Joint Media Statement by Andrew Chen Kah Eng, Liow Cai Tung, Cheo Yee How and Wong Shu Qi on 7th July 2014 (Monday):
If the BN-led federal government insists
implementing the border charge imposed on foreign vehicles entering Johor
Bahru, the money gained should be spent on improving local public transport and
enhancing local economy.
This is not the first time that the issue of
foreign vehicle entry charge is being raised. We do think however, that it’s
timely for us to review the plan of our city transportation, and the direction
of our development in a comprehensive manner, regardless of whether or not we
are going to impose the charge.
We do regret that the Land Transport
Authority of Singapore had decided earlier to increase the VEP from S$20 to
S$35, which would adversely affect Malaysian citizens who travel frequently
between the two cities.
Yet, we understand that both Singapore and
Johor Bahru are facing traffic congestion problem with the increasing number of
private vehicles, therefore certain policies must be implemented to curb the
deteriorating traffic condition.
To reduce private vehicles on the road by
imposing a charge is not a new policy and has been proven effective globally
with other policies implemented at the same time.
Therefore, we do agree with the new border
charge on foreign vehicles if a comprehensive plan to improve our public
transport is implemented simultaneously. Otherwise, it will only prove that the
border charge is merely a new income scheme for the federal government with no
view of giving benefit for the local people.
Moreover, the new entry charge on foreign
vehicles proposed by the Malaysian government must not just be a retaliation
towards Singapore’s recent decision.
The border charge collected by our
customs officers from foreign registered vehicles must be used towards
improving the greater Johor Bahru public transport service. We must acknowledge
the fact that Malaysians are forced to own private vehicles since there is no
“last mile” connection in our public transport system.
On the other hand, even after imposing
the charges on both sides, no one can guarantee there is no congestion at the
customs checkpoint anymore. There is a need to cut waiting time on both sides
and it should be a policy priority for both governments, especially on the
Singapore's side.
People who are driving, paying mortgage loan
and wasting their time on being stuck in the congestion could have better
quality of living by having more disposable income from not using private
vehicles if the public transport system is designed as an
alternative and is implemented perfectly.
Therefore, we urge the Johore State
Government to fight for more allocation especially if the federal government is
going to impose the border charge on foreign vehicles, to improve our local
public transport system, reduce private vehicles on the road and improve our
local economy through strengthening public transportation.
We understand the concerns of those in the
retail trade and tourism as well as frequent commuters between both sides as
the new policies by both governments would affect business adversely or
increase financial burden on those affected. This is why it must not be an
isolated policy without holistic thinking about public transport.
The purpose to have the entry charge of
foreign vehicles is to reduce congestion; hence the revenue from the border
charge imposed on foreign vehicles entering Johor Bahru should be spent on
improving local public transport and enhancing local economy if the BN-led
federal government insists on implementing the entry charge. Otherwise, it
defeats the purpose of having the border charge.
Shu Qi, Senai State Assemblyperson
Chen Kah Eng, Stulang State Assemblyperson
Cai Tung, Johor Jaya State Assemblyperson
Yee How, Pengkalan Rinting State Assemblyperson
民主行动党州议员曾笳恩、廖彩彤、邹裕豪、黄书琪2014年7月 7日(星期一)发表文告:
如果国阵联邦政府真的坚持落实外国车辆入境费, 从新山关卡收取的入境费必须用在改善本地公共交通系统、加强本地 经济体系只用途上
这并非是外国车辆入境费课题第一次被挑起,而这一次,不论我们最 后有没有落实入境费征收,都应该全盘检讨我们这座城市的交通与发 展方向。
对于新加坡陆路交通管理局早前决定调高外国车辆入境费至新币35 元一事,我们感到相当遗憾,因为此一调整,严重影响时常往返两个 城市之间的马来西亚公民。
我们当然了解,无论是新加坡还是新山,都因为私人交通工具日渐增 加,因此面对严重的塞车问题,因此, 有必要实施特定政策以免交通情况进一步恶化。
向私人交通工具收费并不是什么新颖的交通政策,全球各个国家也已 经证明,只要是配合其他政策一起落实,私人交通工具收费是一项有 效控制交通流量的政策。
因此,只要政府同时全面提升大新山区公共交通服务,我们认同对外 国车辆征收费用以减少入境外国车辆;否则,入境费只是联邦政府的 又一项新收入,根本没有惠及柔佛人民。
更重要的是,新的外国车辆入境费不能只是对新加坡政府近日调高收 费决定的报复式行为。
在我国关卡向外国车辆收取的入境费必须用在提升大新山区公共交通 用途上,我们必须承认,许多马来西亚人是因为我国公共交通系统中 ,没有“最后一哩”的链接,而被迫拥车。
另一方方面,就算马新双边都落实了入境费,却没有人可以保证双边 关卡不再塞车。两国政府都有责任想办法减少关卡入境等候时间, 这应该是两国政府优先考虑的政策方向,尤其是新加坡政府。
如果可以不用私人交通工具, 且有一套可以完全替代私人交通工具的公共交通系统让市民使用,许 多被迫开车、供车、塞车的人,马上就多出许多可花费收入,理应享 有更好的生活品质。
因此,若联邦政府决定落实外国车辆入境费,我们呼吁柔佛州政府应 该争取更多拨款,用在改善我们的公共交通系统上, 减少路上的私人交通工具, 透过加强公共交通服务改善本地经济情况。
我们了解零售业、旅游业乃至于通勤一族将会受两国双边政府的新政 策严重影响,他们的生意或财政负担将会大大增加,因此, 当我们谈入境费的时候,绝对不能只谈收费, 却没有对提升公共交通提出任何全面的想法。
对外国车辆收取入境费的本意是减少塞车,因此,如果国阵联邦政府 真的坚持落实外国车辆入境费,从新山关卡收取的入境费必须用在改 善本地公共交通系统、加强本地经济体系只用途上。
Clear reasons for imposing levies needed
the implementation of the proposal, the Johor state government must be
clear and make known to the public on the why the state intends to
impose this levy and the group of people the state government is
targeting at. If we do not know why we are imposing the levy, we will
neither know how to collect the levy nor spend the money collected. The
state government should also have a forecast on how many vehicles will
be affected so that the state government can estimate the additional
revenue the federal and state government will have after imposing the
Release details of the proposal
Johor state government should also release details of the proposal so
that the state government can engage Johoreans for feedbacks before the
implementation. This proposal to impose levies on Singapore registered
cars involves the foreign affairs between Malaysia and Singapore and
must be handled properly. If mishandled, it has the potential to become
an international laughing stock and thus damaging our national image.
details that should be released include the operating hours for levy
collection, the amount of the levy, the targeted group of people and the
system that will be used for the collection.
state government should also ensure that the levies are only collected
from its target group of people. For example, if it is not the intention
of the state government to collect levies from Malaysians, the state
government should introduce a system that do not requires Malaysians,
who are permanent residents of Singapore and therefore drive a Singapore
registered car, to pay the levy.
Suggestions on how to use the levies collected for state developments
1. Free bus service
— Provide free bus service between CIQ and Kranji MRT station to
encourage commuters to use public transport. This will improve the
traffic conditions along the causeway and will be beneficial for the
image and development of the Iskandar region. Even though the general
impression is that those Malaysians who work in Singapore earns much
more due to the exchange rates, there are still many of them who are
just earning enough to support their families. This free bus service
will reduce the burden for this group of Malaysians.
2. Improve the efficiency of the Custom and Immigration Quarantine Complex (CIQ) —
Employ enough immigration officers so that there will be more counters
opened to clear the commuters. The current Malaysia Automated Clearance
System (MACS) should also be fully utilised. With improved efficiency of
the CIQ, there will be less congestion at the CIQ. Traffic conditions
along the causeway and waiting time at the arrival hall for passengers
commuting by public transport will improve.
3. Acquisition of Eastern Dispersal Link (EDL) —
To date, the federal government has yet to announce any plans to
acquire the EDL. Taxpayers’ money should not be used to compensate the
Malaysian Resources Corp Bhd (MRCB), which is as high as RM11 million
monthly. Other than promising that no tolls will be collected, the
federal government can provide more assurance by using the additional
income to buy over the EDL.
政府在实施此法之前,需要有清晰的全盘计划。清楚列明征收入境费用的主要目地、主要的征收对象、征收所得的用途等等。针对目地, 详细的探讨相关政策之细节。除此之外,政府也应预计将有多少辆汽 车或被征收费用,预估征收总额,政府因此增加了多少收入。透明化 处理所有的问题。 公布相关细节接下来,政府也应公布所有相关细节,让人民参与讨论,以避免造成不必要的混乱或严重的交通阻塞。 征收入境费用涉及两国之间的外交,若是无法完善的处理, 将沦为国际笑柄,也有碍于达成2020年宏愿。 政府应公布的详情报包括收费时段、征收数额、征收对象、征收费用所使用的系统等等。 应确保向对的人征收对的钱,例如:在新加坡工作、驾驶新加坡车辆并拥有新加坡永久居留权的马来西亚公民将不受影响 。 政府若是向新加坡车辆征收的入境费用,建议可用作以下用途:1. 免费穿梭巴士 — 提供免费的巴士川行于新山关卡于新加坡克兰芝地铁站之间。此举能鼓励民众使用公共交通,进而舒缓交通阻塞的问题, 同时带动依斯干达经济特区的发展。 来回新马两地工作的人士也能因此而受惠。 普遍印象认为在新加坡工作的人士能赚取高额的薪酬, 然而在他们的辛勤背后,有时仅能赚取足以维生的薪酬而已, 免费穿梭巴士有助于减轻他们的生活负担。 2. 提高通关效率 — 聘请充足的关卡移民局官员以开设更多的通关柜台。应善加利用并推广现有的通关系统,例如:马来西亚自动通关系统 (Malaysia Automated Clearance System, MACS),以加速通关手续。 3. 收购东疏大道 (EDL) — 政府至今尚未公布收购东疏大道的相关细节。政府应确保不在东疏大道设立收费站。 政府也不应用纳税人的钱赔偿马资源 (MRCB)。 应该尽速收购东疏大道。