Friday, September 26, 2014

Rotary Club Of Puteri Lagoon 13th Installation Night

Speech at the 13th Rotary Club of Puteri Lagoon Installation Night

YB. Andrew Chen Kah Eng, State Assemblyman for Stulang, Johor.


Mutiara Hotel

Our President, Rtn Jeffery Lee, Immediate Past President, Dr. Tee Ching Haa, President Elect cum organizing chairman, Rtn Ng Ling Ping, Past Presidents, District Governor, members of the committee, Datuk, datin, all the honorable guests, ladies and gentleman,

First of all, I would like to extend my greatest appreciation to RC of Puteri Lagoon and all the committee members for inviting me to this warm and meaningful event. And I strongly believe that the club’s commitment towards the society is also as warm as well.
And it is really my great honor to be with all of you here, to witness the success of this handover ceremony cum 13th Installation Night.
Congratulations to Rotary Club of Puteri Lagoon for organizing such a meaning event. The installation of the new board of committee marks the club’s continuation of the flame of passion towards charity.
For the past 13 years, I believe RC of Puteri Lagoon had left a very significant imprint in providing charity service to help the needy in Johor Bahru. As we can see, the club has been very active in literacy projects, providing financial assistants to the poor, career guide to students, providing leadership platform for the youth through Interact Club, financial support to schools and a lot more charity projects.
Hence, all the RC’s committees and members here, you deserved an applause from the floor.
We are confident that the passing of the baton to the new board of committee under the leadership of President Rtn Jeffery Lee would continue the marvelous achievement and leadership of the Immediate Past President Rtn Dr. Tee Ching Haa.

My Dear friends,
Today I would discuss a few issues that strongly correlated with the running of the charity organizations.
The first subject to be highlighted today is tax incentive or tax rebate for donation to registered charity organizations.
For the moment, under Section 44(6) Income Tax Act 1967,donations made to charitable organizations approved by the Inland Revenue, is limited to 5% of your aggregate income.
Meaning that if your company aggregate income is RM100,000, then only RM5,000 is entitled for income tax deduction. Figure other than that is not qualified for tax exemption.
Another example, if your company aggregate income is RM20,000, then only RM1,000 is entitled for income tax deduction. Meaning that, even though you donate RM10,000 to charity, only RM1,000 would be counted for tax exemption.
Hence, I would like to suggest to government that :
1.    The percentage for allowed donation should be increased to at least 10%.
2.  For company with aggregate income that less that RM20,000. The allowed donation amount for tax exemption should be RM20,000. 
The justification for the above suggestion is that, government should give incentives to those who help charity organizations because charity organizations are actually assisting government to share their social responsibility and also easing the social burden of the government.
With this enhanced tax incentives, the government is encouraging more public to be more caring and at the same time eases the burden of the charity organizations while raising fund.

Ladies and Gentlemen’s,
We should take MH370 and MH17 as lesson. We cannot take things for granted. We cannot assume anymore that disaster would not happen in Malaysia forever. We do not know what is happening tomorrow. It is impossible for us to forecast any natural disasters, but at least we can foresee that we are not 100% free from disasters or unexpected events.
We may face natural disasters, epidemic outbreak, war etc. All the while, we have been living in a very comfortable manner (comfort zone). Are we ready for all these? And Is our government ready? HOW FAST OUR CAN GOVERNMENT REACT? HOW FAST CAN NGOs REACT? AND THE IMPORTANT QUESTION NOW IS, HOW FAST CAN BOTH THE GOVERNMENT AND  THE NGOs REACT TOGETHER?
Hence, our government should look at this matter in a pro-active manner to cater any contingency events. The government should take this seriously with more mature and organized vision to prepare in advance. In a damaging and great disaster, government alone is not enough to react.
The strength and contribution from charity organizations would be vital to confront with any unexpected events.
So, one of the responsibility of the government now, is to start gather as many charity organizations as possible to start to be more prepared when dealing with disaster. What I mean here is “Government and NGOs work together now to prepare for any contingency”.
Hence, government should come out with a proper and practical movement to start up this, so call “Gov and NGOs Contingency Preparation”. Because, right now, most of the charity organizations and NGOs are working separately with their own organizational emphasize. THE IDEA HERE IS TO GATHER THEM FOR CONTINGENCY PREPARATION.
With this advance preparation and communication, I am sure we will make relief effort much more effective with better coordination between the government and NGOs.

My dear friends,
The third issue that I would like to raise is regarding the government grant for charity organizations in our country.
I would like to suggest our state government to formally adopt at least a charity project from Rotary Club or any other charity organizations as one of the government approach to help the charity organizations.
With this, the charity organizations would only need to summit their proposal and application once. Then, the approved projects would receive grant or aid from government annually automatically with fix amount at particular time.
In other words, the organization would not necessary to apply from the government every year with uncertain answer and amount.
For example, financial aid to hardcore poor family or scholarship programs that been carried annually. The state government should allocate certain fix amount of fund for these programs annually automatically once the projects are approved.
So, this is what we called as : Adoption of annual projects by government.
I will raise this issue up in our next state assembly.

Ladies and Gentlemen’s,

And on behalf of the beneficiary schools, particularly Foon Yew 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, St’ Joseph, Ming Tek and Pei Hwa, thanks to Rotary Club of Puteri Lagoon for your caring gesture to raise fund for the schools.
Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to wish the organizers and all the committee members, the Rotarians, the sponsors, the volunteers, good luck in all your future undertaking.

And to all those who present here today, have a pleasant night and have a better tomorrow. Together, we SERVICE BEFORE SELF.

Lastly, Thanks again for your hospitality. Thanks for your support. See you again.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Perkara: Pokok-pokok Di Johor Bahru Yang Memerlukan Penjagaan, Pemantauan dan Penyuntingan yang kerap dan konsisten保留并妥善处理树木问题

Perkara: Pokok-pokok Di Johor Bahru Yang Memerlukan Penjagaan, Pemantauan dan Penyuntingan yang kerap dan konsisten

Merujuk kepada perkara di atas, terdapat beberapa kes di mana pokok-pokok di sekitar Johor Bahru memerlukan tindakan daripada pihak MBJB. Pokok-pokok merupakan asset yang sangat bernilai di bandaraya. Justeru itu, pokok-pokok tersebut patut dikekalkan dan dijaga dengan rapi untuk keselamtan para penduduk

Terdapat beberpa kes yang perlu diambil perhatian.

Kes 1     :               Pokok di Jalan Merah 2, Tmn Pelangi

Pokok-pokok di tempat tersebut perlu pemantauan atau diperkukukkan agar tidak tumbang akibat ribut yang kencang. Keadaan ini telah berlaku beberapa minggu yang lepas di mana ia telah merosakkan pagar rumah penduduk.

Kes 2     :               Pokok di Jalan Biru 3, belakang pusat penjaja makanan

Pokok tersebut perlu disunting selalu kerana terlalu besar. Ini bagi memastikan ia tidak merosakkan kabel dan juga bumbung pusat penjaja yang berdekatan.

Kes 3     :               Pokok di Jalan Biru Muda (Taman Permaianan)

Ranting dan dahan pokok telah separa putus dan ini amat berbahaya kepada para pengunjung yang berkunjung ke taman tersebut.

Kes 4     :               Pokok-pokok di Jalan Badik 2, Tmn Sri Tebrau

Daun pokok-pokok tersebut telah menjadikan system pengaliran air di bumbung dan longkang rumah tersumbat. Selaini itu, najis daripda burung-burung juga mengotorkan persekitaran rumah.

Kes 5     :               Pokok di Jalan Keris 2, Tmn Tebrau berisiko tinggi untuk tumbang

Pokok tersebut mempunyai risiko yang tinggi untuk tumbang. Adalah dicadangkan ia diperkukukkan agar kejadian yang tidak diingini tidak berlaku.

Kes 6     :               Pokok di Jalan Sutera, Taman Sentosa

POkok tersebut patut disunting dengan kearp keran ia telah menutup lampu jalan. Ini telah mengakibatkan kawasan tersebut menjadi gelap dan bahaya.

Kes 7     :               Pembersihan Daun

Kami memang berharap para pekerja yang membersihkan daun pokok boleh mengutip daun dan dibuang ke tempat yang sesuai. Tindakan membiarkan daun di tepi Jalan atau menyembur daun-daun ke dalam lonkang merupakan tindakan yang tidak boleh menyelesaikan masalah. Bahkan ia akan menjadikan longkang tersumbat.

Kami berpendapat bahawa :

1.       Pokok-pokok mesti disunting selalu.

2.       Memperkukukkan pokok-pokok yang berisiko tinggi tumbang dengan rangka-rangka besi yang sesuai.

3.       Mengenalpasti pokok-pokok sakit atau reput agar tindakan wajar boleh diambil dengan cepat oleh pihak majlis untuk menjaga pokok-pokok tersebut.

4.       Membersihkan daun pokok yang telah gugur dengan professional dan bukan membuangnya ke dalam longkang.

5.       Kerja penebangan pokok sekiranya dilakukan perlu dselaraskan dengan baik di antara jabatan yang terlibat. Ini adalah kerana para penduduk tidak mahu melihat batang, dahan dan daun pokok yang ditebang dibiarkan di tepi jalan untuk tempoh masa yang lama.



案例1: 彩虹花园Jalan Merah 2 后巷大树倒下压坏住家围篱
由于不敌狂风暴雨的吹袭,Jalan Merah 2后巷的大树于午夜时分倒下。高耸的大树倒下时压坏了居民房屋后方的围篱。同时也压坏了马来西亚电讯公司(Telekom Malaysia)的电缆,以致居民无法拨打电话,也无法上网。电讯公司也需要等待移走树木后,才能修复以恢复电话及网络连接。由于市政局疏于照料,受影响居民已向市政局要求维修损坏后的围篱。如今,该处仍有棵大树,若无法定期修剪树叶和稳定树干,依然有危害居民的可能性。

案例2: 彩虹花园 Jalan Biru 3 美食阁后方大树过于巨大
Jalan Biru 3 美食阁后方有棵高大挺拔的大树枝繁叶茂,无可否认这是棵能够让人们乘凉的良,因此不能恣意砍伐。但同也不能疏于照料,必定期检查和修剪叶。若是枝叶延伸并电线,后果不堪设想。同时枝叶也可能压坏美食阁的屋顶。

案例3: 彩虹花园 Jalan Biru Muda 公园树枝摇摇欲坠
Jalan Biru Muda的公园有棵大树的树枝摇摇欲坠,而且这就在人行走道的上方。有关问题为途径的行人带来不便。除此之外,该处依然留有已断裂的树枝,至今为止尚未有任何人处理。

案例4: 大马花园 Jalan Badik 2 落叶堵塞住家水槽
Jalan Badik 2 有三棵大树,树叶经常飘落住宅的水槽。堵塞的水槽因为排水不通,结果水往屋内流,造成墙上留下了斑斑水迹,甚至曾发生屋内水灾的情况。同时,小鸟在大树筑巢,也造成了住宅地板上满是鸟粪的情况。

案例5: 大马花园 Jalan Keris 2 大树快倒了
Jalan Keris 2的大水沟有棵大树已经严重向沟渠内倾斜。若这棵树真的倒下,或堵塞水沟。

案例6: 大丰花园 Jalan Sutera 大树遮电灯
Jalan Sutera 及多处都有枝叶遮挡电灯的问题。由于没有定期修剪树叶,茂盛的枝叶遮挡了树旁的街灯,以致街灯无法起照明作用。夜晚时,街道昏暗,危害道路使用者的安全,也有可能引起罪案的发生。

案例7: 胡乱扫落叶

  1. 无法抵御暴风雨吹袭。近年来的气候变化,多有暴风雨,若是没有定期检查市区内的树木,树木也许无法低档狂风暴雨的吹袭而倒下。因此,这有可能压毁附近的电线,轻则断电影响人民作息,重则引起火患。
  2. 危害居民。木倒下,可能危害当地的居民。房屋、车辆等受到影响。
  3. 赔偿带来损失。木倒下由于市会失所引起的,市会有必起公众任,赔偿受影响的人民。市应该失降至最低,市政局省开
  4. 闪电水灾。落叶堵塞水沟,以致引起闪电水灾。
  5. 遮挡电灯。叶遮挡电灯,街道昏暗,危害道路使用者,也可能引起罪案。

  1. 定期修剪于茂盛的叶、枯枝。
  2. 利用支架固老,避免它倒下。
  3. 尽速采取相的行以解决虫蛀、摇摇欲坠、倾斜生长的树木。
  4. 专业的清理落叶,绝对不能将落叶入水沟。
  5. 尽速将修剪后的枯枝落叶移开,而非留当地多若是修剪工作和移开工作分由不同的部门负责,部间应该密的合作,多沟通,免得引起大家的不便。
  6. 若是木生在私人地段或私人住宅内。如果该树经过鉴定后认为该树危害人民的安全,市政局应该要求屋主或地主采取行若是屋主不愿意配合,市政局官员应该亲自采取行后向屋主索

 Jln Merah 2 后巷倒下的大树,正中压毁住家围篱及电讯公司电缆。

 (左起)苏世扬、曾笳恩及黄珮施指向 Jln Merah 2后巷被大树压毁的围篱。

 (左起)苏世扬、曾笳恩及黄珮施指向 Jln Merah 2后巷被大树压毁的围篱,身后的大树高耸入云,也有危害居民的可能性。

 (左起)王康壮及陈佳伟指向 Jln Biru 3 美食阁后方的大树,呼吁相关单位定期修剪茂盛的树叶。
 (左起)陈佳伟及王康壮指向 Jln Biru Muda 公园人行走道上方摇摇欲坠的树枝。

 (左起)王康壮及陈佳伟指向 Jln Biru Muda 公园里已经断裂但无人处理的树枝。

 Jln Badik 2住宅旁的3棵大树,其落叶堵塞了住家水槽。

  苏世扬指向Jln Keris 2严重倾斜的大树,有倒下的可能性

 Jln Sutera 的大树枝繁叶茂,阻挡了街灯的光线。入夜时,非常昏暗。

YB. Andrew Chen Kah Eng

Edar Jalur Gemilang Di Kampung Bakar Batu, Johor bahru Sempena Sambutan Hari Kemerdekaan 57

全国人民即将在来831日迎来我国第57个国日。新山士都区州议员曾笳恩及其助理团队一同前往Bakar Batu国旗民众,鼓励民众在国日挂国旗,体现爱国精神


曾笳恩认为,全民应该认真看待国日,各族共我国迎来独立的一天。“我是个多元种族的国家,国民应该接受多元种族、多元文化的事。”他表示,多元化是我优势而不是担,我应该善于利用大的优势,让我国在经济、贸易、文化、教育等各方面都在世界占有一席之地。中国、印尼、印度都是人口众多的国家,人口占据了世界人口相当高的比例,有着庞大经济。各族人民可以擅用自己的言天,引外国 如果种族团结,互相合作更可以在国际贸易占了很大的优势来人和印度人也能在人的助下,在中国易,同的印度人也能来人和人在印度做生意。由此可,种族团结对于我国的展极其重要,因此千万不要受一些人的种族极端言所挑而陷入阻碍国家展的困境。


我国于非常良好的地理位置,久以来人民都不曾面地震、火山等自然灾害。然而今年我国面临的两大空,分MH370不知所踪,以及MH17坠毁仅仅是普通的空而是国家大灾两个灾难给予全国人民重新审视人民及政府面对灾难时应对措施。政府需要未雨绸缪建立面应对机制,同时预防灾的来。不能因地理位置的越而忽的存在 。我无法预测灾害的生,因此政府应该居安思危,在全国人民面前立志做好面的一切准备,以免面对灾害时措手不及而乱了分寸。


团结就是力量 ,无论是保留我国文化的多元性还是面临灾难的应对方式,都需要全国人民团结一致,共同达成。今年是2014年,距离2020宏愿有五年的时间。要达成宏愿,首要前提肯定就是全民团结若是无法团结一心,任何宏愿都是空。全民团结是全国人民的任,无是政治人物、政府官、非政府组织、社代表、平民百姓都在国家展的路上扮演着重要角色。


Andrew Chen Kah Eng