曾笳恩也在傍晚时分到新山Bakar Batu夜市派发口罩,吁请民众多注意身体健康,多喝水,减少外出和避免户外活动。
Haze crisis affects diplomatic relations
Stulang State Assemblyman Chen Kah Eng pointed out that if Indonesian Government does not resolve regional haze crisis as soon as possible, the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries will be affected.
“This haze crisis is a huge regional problem which is not an internal matter for Indonesia only. It has affected the lives of people in neighbouring countries. This issue should be resolved wisely and effectively.”
He said, in fact, burning forests and fields does not bring any benefit in short and long term for the locals. Instead, the dangerous haze problem affects local economic activities and brings losses to Indonesia economy. Besides, local health problems also become heavy burden to Indonesian Government.
Singapore and Malaysia are suffering from Indonesia haze crisis. While haze crisis is getting worse, air pollution index in several areas in Malaysia has reached the critical level, forcing Malaysian government to make announcement that schools to be closed temporarily due to high level of air pollution.
At the meantime, land and sea transport are affected by haze from Sumatra and Kalimantan as well. Indonesia haze crisis has affected all levels of society with huge impact.
Memorandun is sent to Indonesian Embassy
In view of this matter, Chen Kah Eng had written a memorandum to Indonesian Embassy in Malaysia to request the Indonesian authorities to address the serious deterioration of air quality caused by regional haze crisis and solve the severe haze impact in its neighbouring countries and regions as soon as possible in order to allow regional residents to enjoy cleaner air and healthier environment.
He noted that while Indonesia had formally signed the “ASEAN Agreement on Transboundary Haze Pollution” with ASEAN Secretary-General in January this year, but study has pointed out that the agreement on the mechanism to resolve disputes and punish violation is weak. And, there is no specific sanctions to be imposed against signatories breach of its obligations.
“Therefore, Indonesia as the major polluter, since She had passed legislation on prohibiting burning, She should strictly enforce the law and punish the companies involved in illegal forests burning, as well as prohibit farmers from burning forests as an agricultural tool for land clearing. It was understood that involved companies burn large areas of forest annually are to grow plantation for the production of palm oil and paper timber.”
Reduction of GHG emissions and Zero Burning Policy
He mentioned that the Indonesian Government had promised to reduce greenhouse gas emissions up to 41%, but due to deforestation and land use change in forestry sector, Indonesia had contirbuted up to 80% emissions of carbon. “In the end, the greenhouse gas emissions reduction commitments could not be achieved by the Indonesian Government.”
He calls the Indonesian Government to implement strict policy on “Zero Burning Policy” under their Forestry Act, Plantation Act and Environmental Protection and Management Act. Strict law enforcement by Indonesian government in a widespread scale in forest governance should be practiced to deal with illegal forests burning.
As suggested by many environmental activists, the farmers who engage in forest burning, the government can provide technical and financial assistance, such as provisions of seeds, fertilizer etc., to encourage the use of alternative ways to clean up the forest in getting farming land.
Local government should implement haze crisis mechanism
On the other hand, for Malaysian Government, Chen Kah Eng reminded that while the haze has become a man-made regional disaster occurring anually, the government should address the haze problem seriously and establish a systematic mechanism to deal with haze crisis. This is to raise public awareness in facing the impacts of haze on people’s daily life.
“For example, the government should establish an effective mechanism to call on halt on any outdoor activities or school classes. Government should also pay attention closely and predict accurately on air pollution index so that the authorities can announce any contingency plan accurately and effectively.”
“Besides, individuals also need to pay attention to air condition. If the deterioration of air is getting worse, everyone should wear mask always to prevent from inhalation of harmful air.”
To promote public awareness on health, Chen Kah Eng distributed masks at Bakar Batu night market in this evening to remind people paying more attention to respiratory system and drinking plenty of water. He also advised people to avoid going out and engaging in outdoor activities.
Mr. Herman Prayitno
Duta Besar Luar Biasa dan Berkuasa Penuh
Kedutaan Besar Republik Indonesia Kuala Lumpur
No. 233, Jalan Tun Razak
P.O. Box 10889
Kuala Lumpur 50400
Malaysia. 18/09/2015
Fax No.: 03-21417908
Masalah Jerebu di Malayia dan Rantau Asia
Berkenaan dengan perkara di atas, Malaysia kini dilandai masalah jerebu yang teruk akibat aktiviti pembakaran di Indonesia.
Sebagai seorang wakil rakyat di Johor, saya meminta jasa baik Kerajaan Indonesia untuk menyelesaikan masalah jerebu ini yang melibatkan negara jiran dan serantau.
Pada pendapat saya, masalah jerebu ini merupakan masalah yang besar di mana ia bukan merupakan isu dalaman Indonesia sahaja. Ia telah mempengaruhi kehidupan rakyat di negara jiran. Isu ini perlu diselesaikan dengan bijak dan berkesan, kerana ia juga melibatkan hubungan diplomatik di antara dua negara.
Sebenarnya, aktiviti pembakaran hutan dan ladang ini tidak membawa apa-apa faedah baik dari segi jangka pendek atau panjang kepada penduduk tempatan. Masalah jerebu yang berbahaya ini juga mempengaruhi aktiviti ekonomi setempat Indonesia di mana ia juga mengakibatkan kerugian yang banyak kerana banyak aktiviti ekonomi terpaksa dihentikan. Masalah kesihatan setempat yang ditimbulkan juga membawa beban yang berat kepada Kerajaan Indonesia.
Justeru it, saya menyeru kepada pihak Indonesia agar :
1. Menyelesaikan masalah pembakaran dan jerebu ini dengan cepat tanpa melengah-lengahkan masa
2. Menguatkuasakan undang-undang dengan tegas agar mereka yang melanggar undang-undang dan melakukan pembakaran haram akan dihukum.
3. Memperbaiki atau menggubal undang-undang yang berkesan dalam menagani isu ini.
4. Menunaikan janji untuk mengurangkan tahap pembebasan karbon dioksida Indonesia.
Diharapkan pihak Indonesia akan mengambil langkah-langkah yang sesuai dan berkesan agar masalah jerebu ini dapat diselesaikan dan tidak berulang lagi pada masa yang akan datang.
Sekian, terima kasih.
Yang benar,
Ahli Dewan Negeri Johor, STULANG