Tuesday, November 24, 2020

lift the requirement for all types of travellers arriving from Singapore to undergo 14-days of quarantine

 我们建议政府取消从新加坡入境的所有类型入境者需进行14天隔离的要求,这是因为新加坡已经证明拥有安全环境以及较低的风险指数(risk profile),即,在过去的15天内,新加坡国内没有出现任何新增的本土感染病例。

1. 然而按照国际惯例,所有来自新加坡的入境者都必须在离境前的 #48小时接受新冠病毒PCR核酸检测和lgM抗体检测
2.做为额外防控措施,我们建议所有来自新加坡入境者可以在新山关税、移民与检疫大厦通关时进行 #快速检测,而该测试结果通常会在大约30分钟内取得,只有测试结果呈阴性者才可获准入境马来西亚。
3. 若入境者出现任何新冠肺炎 #症状,即使检测结果呈阴性也将被拒绝入境,直到完全康复为止。
4. 至于那些被允许入境的人士需要强制下载并注册 #MySejahtera 的手机应用程序以方便追踪他们的行踪。
Joint Media Statement from YB Andrew Chen (Stulang), YB Cheo Yee How (Perling), YB Chew Chong Sin (Mengkibol)
We suggest the government to lift the requirement for all types of travellers arriving from Singapore to undergo 14-days of quarantine because Singapore has proven a safe and much lower risk profile, with no domestic infection case in the past 15 days.
In order to prevent the businesses at South Johor region from collapsing, we should allow and encourage the travellers from Singapore to cross the border and therefore generate incomes and economic activities for local businesses.
1. However, as practiced internationally for overseas travellers, the travellers from Singapore would instead be subjected to mandatory both Covid-19 #PCR Swab Test and #lgM Antibody Test, 48 hours before departing the country.
2. As an additional infection control precautions, travellers should again subject to #AntigenRapidTest which result is usually generated in about 30 minutes, while going through the boundary clearance at CIQ JB, and can only be permitted to enter with negative result of the test.
3. However, travellers who show #symptoms of Covid-19 but tested negative for infections should also be declined to enter until fully recovered.
4. Those permitted to enter Johor should also be made mandatory to utilize the #MySejahtera contact tracing mobile application.
With the above 4-tier security measures, we trust that this is the feasible and reliable scientific solution to the existing issue of economy lockdown between Singapore and Malaysia, especially Johor.

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